October was always my favourite month of the year growing up. The cooler weather, crisper air and changing colours always lent themselves to a fresh start, almost like the beginning of a new year. Although September is a more obvious time for change and transition with the start of the school year, the warmer September weather always left me longing for lazy summer days and not so ready for things to change just yet. And as far as January went, it was hard to feel excited about anything fresh and new on New Year’s morning when my toes were freezing under layers of socks and boots and longjohns. So October always seemed like a much better option for celebrating change and embracing new beginnings.
Fall in Prince Edward County, my favorite new beginning
Early morning hiking at Mt. Wilson
Fast forwards many years later, I live in LA and I never stop holding my breath that the palm tree leaves will change color or the weather will finally cool down (it’s supposed to be a balmy 80 degrees in Brentwood this weekend). But October still has the same magical feeling that it always had as a kid. Some of my favorite things happen in October; one of two special anniversaries, Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie, Halloween M&M’s and cooler mornings that allow me to take complete advantage of my preference to hold warm coffee more than drink it... and this year I will live more, write more (new beginnings with a new blog), fear less and embrace the chaos when it comes along.
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